Scrpture Themed Intercessions for Vocations for Lent

First Sunday of Lent – 18th February 2024

We pray for vocations and for those who are being called to discern a vocation to the priesthood, the diaconate or religious life. Today’s Psalm says “Lord, make me know your ways … tech me your paths …make me walk in your truth… for you are God my saviour”. We pray that the Holy Spirit will lead and guide those who are being called to discover their vocation.

Second Sunday of Lent – 25th February -2024

In our first reading we read that “God put Abraham to the test”. Abraham responds with complete trust “Here I am”. We pray for those discerning a vocation that they may have the grace and strength to trust in God and respond like Abraham – “Here I am”.

Third Sunday of Lent – 3rd March 2024

To proclaim your faith and belief in God in today’s society is counter cultural. So too in St Paul’s day – proclaiming belief in Jesus who was crucified was an obstacle to the Jews and madness to the Greeks. We pray that those who the Lord calls to follow Him as a priest, deacon or religious, to proclaim the Gospel will have the courage to place their trust in God.

Fourth Sunday of Lent 10th March 2024

In our Gospel St. John tells us that God sent His Son so that the world might be saved through Him and Jesus is the light in the darkness of the world.  We pray for those who the Lord calls to bring the light of faith to those in darkness, that they will respond to the call of Jesus to follow as a priest, deacon or religious.

Fifth Sunday of Lent – 17th March 2024  – Solemnity – St. Patrick

In today’s Gospel some Greeks came “to see Jesus”. In reply Jesus tells them that “unless a wheat grain falls to the ground and dies, it remains a single grain; but if it dies it yields a rich harvest”. We pray for those who are called to follow the Lord as a priest, deacon or religious, that like St. Patrick, they may “Take the Risk for Christ” and give of their lives and follow in the Way of Jesus.

Passion Sunday – 24th March 2024

In our first reading, Isaiah tells us “Each morning he wakes me to hear, to listen as a disciple” – we pray that those whom the Lord calls to follow His as a priest, deacon or religious, may hear the gentle whisper of God’s call amid the noise of this life.